We have received an update from the National Coagulation Centre regards the resumption of face to face clinics, please see below:
Resuming Face to Face clinics in the NCC
As you are aware during the Covid-19 pandemic we had reduced the number of patients we could see on a face to face basis and commenced reviewing patients via Telehealth. In line with the governments re-opening plans we are going to start resuming our Face to Face clinics. We will continue to provide a level of Telehealth for patients we feel will benefit the most.
If you have an upcoming appointment in the National Coagulation Clinic please take it that this appointment will be on a Face to Face basis and you will have to attend the centre, unless we contact you to state otherwise.
If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact the National Coagulation Centre on 01-4162142 or email: nationalcoagulationcentre@stjames.ie