The Society has very strong financial governance and accountability in place that is overseen by our board of unpaid volunteers. We agree on an annual detailed business plan with the Health Service Executive (HSE) and we were the first organisation receiving funds from the HSE in the area of Hepatitis C to sign a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Our funding from the HSE has been governed by a Service Level Agreement since 2009 and we have been fully compliant with the requirements of the SLA.
The public funding provided by the HSE to the Society is managed via their Hepatitis C office, although the funding relates to all the diverse activities of the organisation.
The Irish Haemophilia Society utilises the funding received from all sources in a prudent, accountable and transparent manner to provide the maximum support and services to all those with inherited bleeding disorders.
The savings we have achieved for the country are a multiple of the funding received by the Society. We remain committed to ensuring the provision of the safest and most efficacious treatment for haemophilia while achieving this at the lowest possible cost to the country.
The Society remain committed to continued proper, ethical and transparent use of all the funding received. The audited accounts of the I.H.S. are published each year in the Annual Report, which are available on to view here on the website.
The Society have the following policies in place:
- Child Protection Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Dignity at Work Policy
- Financial Policy
- Fundraising Policy
- Health & Safety Policy
- Help to Member Policy
- Apartment Facility Policy
- Conferences & Events Policy
- Internet & Email Policy
- Junior & Youth Membership Policy
- Member Outreach Policy
- Planned Giving Policy
- Member Support re: Social Welfare Policy
- Corporate Sponsorship Policy
- Travel Expenses Policy
- vCJD Policy
- Volunteer Policy
- Planned Giving Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- GDPR Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Green Office Policy
- Severe Weather Policy
- Working Remotely Policy
Complaints Policy
The Irish Haemophilia Society welcomes any written complaints received, as it is felt it will help us to continually improve our services.
A Complaints Policy has been put in place to encourage feedback. All complaints to the Irish Haemophilia Society will be dealt with constructively, impartially and effectively in accordance with our Complaints Policy.
If you would like to read more about our policy, or would like to make a complaint, please download the Irish Haemophilia Society Complaint’s Policy by clicking on the link below and forward same to:
Mr. Brian O’Mahony,
Complaints Officer,
Irish Haemophilia Society,
First Floor,
Cathedral Court,
New Street,
Dublin 8.
Irish Haemophilia Society Complaints Policy