Ballyhea Tractor Run Cheques 01 copy


If you have a fundraiser idea in mind to help raise money for the I.H.S., let us know and we will be more than happy to help you in any way we can, such as by organising tickets, sponsorship cards, posters and I.H.S. t-shirts. 

Some of the fundraising ideas that members have come up with include:

Pub Quiz                     Bake Sale                          Coffee Morning

Raffles                         Close Shave                     Payroll Contributions

Fun Run                      Denim Day                        Jersey Day

Bag Packing               Race Night                       Car Boot Sale

Fundraising can be done through your workplace, local schools, community or individuals can also take part in organised events such as the Women’s Mini Marathon or ‘Movember’.

If you would like to talk to us about fundraising or want more information, please call Nina on 01 6579900.

Photos from Recent Fundraisers

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