Physio-Exercise Classes
Since 2020, the Irish Haemophilia society have offered online physiotherapy-exercise classes to adult male members. These classes are now open to women and men. This is part of an effort to encourage people with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders to be more physically active. The classes take place every week and are led by physiotherapist Mark McGowan at St. James’s Hospital, who has extensive experience working with people with bleeding disorders.
The classes take place every Tuesday evening on Zoom from 7.30 – 8.30pm. There is still room for more members to join! Please contact to register to attend or call the office on 01 657 9900.
Pilates Classes
In 2023, the I.H.S. set up a weekly pilates class to accompany our physio-exercise classes. This class is open to both men and women; Any member over the age of 18 can sign up for the class.
This class is led by St. James’s physiotherapist Carly Blackburn, and takes place every Wednesday evening from 7 – 8pm on Zoom. Members are provided with therabands for these classes. To sign up, email or call the office on 01 657 9900.
Our pilates classes are on hold until January 2024. More information to follow.