Haemophilia should not interfere with a child’s education. Education is vitally important in today’s world as it provides the child with every opportunity to participate fully in activities of a normal life.
Haemophilia is rare, however, so the school personnel and teacher will likely not be familiar with the condition. It is important that parents provide the school with the key information needed. Teachers need to learn to rely on the parents, who have the knowledge, and the child, who knows their own body, in the case of a bleed. Normally, the child with haemophilia will participate in school activities just like their classmates.

The haemophilia treatment centre and the Irish Haemophilia Society can provide parents with tools to educate school personnel. See our Information for Teachers & Playgroup Leaders booklet for more information about this.
There is no need to hide haemophilia or to overdramatize it. School personnel need to have the basic information about the condition at the beginning of the school year so they know what to do and not do in different situations.