As we continue through this global pandemic we would like to thank you for your continued support and patience and we would like to update you on two topics
(i) in- patient admission and (ii) vaccination:
Update regarding ward designation for people with bleeding disorders who require admission to SJH:
The H&H ward is currently required for the management of the COVID19 pandemic and is therefore not available for use by people with bleeding disorders at the present time.
While it is not known how long this situation with H&H ward will continue (being dependent on developments in the pandemic), the CEO of SJH, Ms Mary Day has given a firm commitment that the H&H ward will be available again for admission of people with bleeding disorders when the ward returns to general use.
In the meantime, the SJH corporate team is working to designate a specific ward for people with bleeding disorders to be admitted if required, incorporating the NCC orthopaedic surgery programme.
A further update on ward designation will be given when details have been finalised.
While we recognise that people with bleeding disorders are very anxious to get back to H&H ward and contributed enormously to the design and build of that ward, the single rooms are a vital part of the hospital’s efforts to contain COVID19 and prevent outbreaks around other wards in SJH. Thanks to all of the patient community who have been so understanding of the challenges we have faced in designating an interim ward for people attending the NCC over the past 13 months.
Update regarding COVID19 vaccination in people with bleeding disorders:
Any person with a bleeding disorder who is offered a vaccine appointment by their GP or via the HSE portal should take it as this is likely to be the fastest route to access vaccination. Advice for patients is on the NCC website in relation to treatment prior to vaccination for certain people with more severe bleeding disorders. Many people with milder bleeding disorders or who are on Hemlibra won’t need treatment before – just check the list to see which applies to you.
People who need prior treatment should contact their comprehensive care or treatment centre to arrange this. In some cases, where people live a long distance from a treatment centre, it may be possible to arrange treatment at a local hospital. Alerting your treatment centre is the vital first step!
For people who have had Hepatitis C or HIV infection, these conditions will result in categorisation as group 5 (ages 65-69) or group 7 (ages 16-64), according to the HSE roll-out plan
A list of people with these conditions has been given to the team in SJH who are co-ordinating the vaccination of Groups 4, 5 and 7 for people attending certain hospital departments.
At the moment, they are finishing people in Group 4.
Group 5 will be next and will be called during the month of May and group 7 after that.
If you are in groups 5 or 7, you will be contacted to ensure that you haven’t already had a vaccine, e.g. from your GP or because you work in a healthcare setting.
If you have not already had a vaccine, you will be invited to attend a vaccination centre in Richmond Barracks in Dublin which will be operational 7 days a week from Monday 26th April 2021. If you are scheduled on a weekend day and need to get treatment before, the NCC team will arrange to have your treatment given in the NCC but please tell us as soon as you get a date for your vaccine so that we can make arrangements.
If you are a patient registered in the Cork or Galway centres, the teams there are reviewing the lists of people attending and you may be contacted by them to arrange a local vaccination appointment if you need it.
For all other people with bleeding disorders, you will be called by age group in due course – either to have vaccination with your GP or at a central vaccination centre, via the HSE portal. Just hang in there, your turn is coming!
General Information
Patient consultations will continue either by telephone or video call. Face to face consultations will be arranged in situations where the consultant deems it necessary.
Phlebotomy / Blood testing remains restricted to blood tests required as determined by the NCC medical team.
The H&H Assessment Unit (HHAU) is open to patients for urgent treatment only and this must be discussed with the NCC team before you come to St. James’s Hospital. The unit will operate from 08:30-17:00hrs Monday –Friday only.
Where possible you should attend the HHAU on your own, however, if you require assistance, a person may accompany you but may be asked to wait outside of the HHAU area until you are ready to be discharged.
Most routine procedures remain cancelled across the adult healthcare system for now.
Our contact details remain unchanged:
For emergency /urgent calls in relation to an active bleed or possible bleed or an urgent unplanned procedure: Monday–Friday 08:00-17:00hrs
Please call (01) 4103000 and ask for bleep 721 or call (087)9010301 to contact our Advanced Nurse Practitioner.
Out of hours Monday- Friday 17:00- 08:00hrs weekends and bank holidays: Please call the St James’s Hospital switchboard (01) 4103000 and ask for the ‘on call’ Haematology Senior House Officer.
For Non Clinical Queries For queries in relation to non- clinical requests: appointments, documentation requests…. Monday- Friday 08:30-17:00
Please call 01-4162141; (01) 4162142
Fax: (01) 410 3570
Postal address: National Coagulation Centre, St James’s Hospital, James\’s Street Dublin 8 D08 A978
For non-urgent clinical queries: Monday–Friday 08:00-17:00hrs
Phone (01)4103130 and leave a message with your name, hospital number and contact details
If you are admitted to another hospital, please ensure that the staff at that hospital, are aware of your bleeding disorder and ask them to contact the team in St James’s Hospital through our contact details on the St James’s hospital website.
The situation is constantly evolving but hopefully improving. We endeavour to keep you informed of any changes through this forum.
Keep safe,
National Coagulation Centre Team