The Consultative Council on Hepatitis C was established by the Minister for Health and Children on the 26th of November 1996 by Statutory Instrument, to advise on all matters relating to Hepatitis C. One of the main functions of the Council is the dissemination of information regarding entitlements to certain health services, information on living with Hepatitis C as well as details on all Council activities and events.
Services for Persons Who contracted Hepatitis C
Persons who contracted Hepatitis C through administration within the State of blood or blood products are entitled to a range of services including GP services, all prescribed drugs, medicines and appliances, dental and ophthalmic services, home support, home nursing, counselling services and other services without charge. These services are provided under the Health (Amendment) Act, 1996. Eligible persons are issued with a Health (Amendment) Act Card (HAA Card) from the Hepatitis C Liaison Officer in the health board.
Further Information on the Council
The I.H.S. is represented on the Consultative Council by Debbie Greene and Brian O’Mahony.
Further information can be found in the HSE’s 2020 Guidebook which can be downloaded by clicking here. More information can also be found here.
The Consultative Council on Hepatitis C is currently working on a new website. This page will be updated once that website is live.
Contact details for the Consultative Council on Hepatitis C are as follows:
Ms. Ger Kane,
Consultative Council on Hepatitis C,
Health Service Executive,
2nd Floor,
Mill Lane,
Dublin 20,
Ph. 01 620 1708