Update from the NCC regarding the new Home Treatment App
Message from the National Coagulation Centre.
Representing people living with haemophilia, von Willebrand’s and other inherited bleeding disorders
Representing people living with haemophilia, von Willebrand’s and other inherited bleeding disorders
Latest news & updates from the I.H.S.
Message from the National Coagulation Centre.
New parking available for shortstay outpatient attendances at St. James’s Hospital.
In college or starting this year? Apply to one of our educational grants!
The NCC recently launched the new patient portal. Read more.
Members, we are starting free online pilates classes, which are open to all members over 18 years of age. The classes are a great opportunity to get fit and have
Take a look at some of the best photos from our 2023 AGM & Conference.
Members, our second regional visit of the year is taking place Monday May 15 in Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Debbie Greene and Rob Flanagan will be meeting members at the Radisson
Our 2023 Parents Conference is taking place July 14-16 in the Midlands Park Hotel, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.