We wish to announce that our ‘Annual General Meeting & Conference’ will take place over the weekend of the 3rd to 5th March 2023 in the Slieve Russell Hotel in Cavan. Registration packs have been posted out to members. For adults the weekend will kick off with the AGM on Saturday morning. The AGM will be followed by our conference, which will be filled with many interesting talks. Please see the preliminary programmes below for more information. For children and teenagers, we have an exciting weekend of activities planned.
As there will be no registration or payments desk on the Friday evening of the conference, you must pay in full at the time of registration. All registration documents will be posted or emailed to members two weeks prior to the conference. If an adult (aged 18 years or over) who is booked in for the conference does not attend at least two sessions on Saturday and one session on Sunday, they will automatically be charged a full non-member rate at the next conference they attend. Children must attend their age-appropriate programme and are not permitted to attend the adult talks. For the safety and welfare of your child/children, it is also essential that at least one parent is onsite and contactable at all times, in the event of an emergency.
Members, registration for our AGM & Conference is now closed.