Phone with apps

Update from the NCC regarding the new Home Treatment App

Message from the National Coagulation Centre.

Update to Patients on Home Treatment using the the Mpro5HX (Home Treatment App)

We are currently doing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) on the new home treatment app which some of the patients are kindly helping us with. During the current User Acceptance Testing we have come across some issues with the app, in that it is not working as expected. We are reporting these findings back to Crimsontide (app developers) so they can try to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, we had expected that at this stage we would be ready to launch the new app, but until we feel the home treatment app is fully fit for purpose, we are not in a position to launch it. We accept that this is very frustrating for you all and no doubt many of you have a large collection of used CFC boxes at home ready for scanning.

We would however ask that you continue to collect your used CFC boxes and label them with the date that they were used. If you use some products for a bleed dose please document where the bleed occurred on the box.

We would like to thank you for your continued patience while we work our way through this app upgrade. Once the app is launched, we will be on hand to help you to update all your scanning records and we will have a number of training videos and user guide on how to use the new home treatment app.

Posted on behalf of the teams in the Comprehensive Care Centres