WOMEN Survey

Take this survey on menstrual health and physical activity.

Little is understood about how menstrual health affects physical activity and daily life in women and others who menstruate. Some people may have more severe periods than the general population, in addition to other abnormal bleeding symptoms. People affected by these problems may have an underlying inherited bleeding disorder. Understanding how bleeding symptoms and menstrual health might affect physical activity and other aspects of daily life in those with and without inherited bleeding disorders is important for the overall general health of these populations.

The Women’s Opinions and experiences of Menstrual health on Exercise and physical activity Nationally (WOMEN) survey aims to measure physical activity, menstrual health and bleeding experiences in the inherited bleeding disorder and general populations of Ireland. The study is being carried out by Dr. Megan Kennedy and Professor John Gormley at Trinity College Dublin and Dr. Michelle Lavin at St. James’s Hospital.

Please click the following link to go to the WOMEN survey: http://bit.ly/43sSJ0F