What to Expect when Attending Children

What to Expect when Attending Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin

During the Covid-19 pandemic arrangements in Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin have changed somewhat. Below is a brief outline of some changes you can expect to find;

There is a security guard based at all public entrances to the hospital who will ask you the reason for attending.

Only one parent can attend with their child (exceptions may be made for certain circumstances). No brothers and sisters are allowed to attend unless they also have an appointment. Children over 12 must wear a mask when attending CHI at Crumlin.
Social distancing is applied in all waiting areas.

If your child is due to attend the Haematology Department and your child or any family member is presenting with any of the Covid-19 symptoms listed below, you must contact the Department before attending.

Covid-19 Symptoms:


New dry cough

Shortness of breath

Loss of sense of smell

Loss of sense of taste or distortion of sense of taste

Minor respiratory symptoms especially if you or your child has other ill contacts, is part of an outbreak or is in contact with a proven Covid-19 case

Do not attend the hospital until you have spoken to a member of the Haematology Department.

It is also important to contact the Haematology Department if your child or any family member been outside Ireland in the last 14 days for advice re attending appointments.

We also must remind everyone of the importance of Hand Hygiene upon entrance to and exit from the hospital and any clinical/outpatient area.

If you are attending out Haematology outpatient department for an appointment, please contact (01) 4096913. If attending the Haematology/Oncology Day unit, please contact (01) 4096649