Date: 3rd December, 12pm – 5pm Venue: Maldron Hotel, Merrion Road, Dublin
Our Von Willebrand Disorder Information Day is targeted towards anyone with Von Willebrand Disorder or interested in learning about the disorder. It is a free of charge event.

Dr. Michelle Lavin
Dr. Michelle Lavin will be the principal speaker at the event. Dr. Lavin is a Consultant Haematologist at the National Coagulation Centre in St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, whose research focuses on low Von Willebrand Factor. She is a Co-Chair on the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) VWF Scientific SubCommittee (SSC) and collaborates with the ISTH Women’s Health SSC.
Dr. Lavin is one of the founders of Know Your Flow, a project which aims to help women recognise if their heavy periods may indicate the presence of a bleeding disorder.