Entries are now open for the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon 2022, which will be taking place in Dublin City on Bank Holiday Sunday 5th June.
In 1983, 9,000 incredible women entered Ireland’s first Women’s Mini Marathon in Dublin. In 2022, to celebrate its 40th magical year, WMM will stand for Women Making Magic!
Now one of the largest women’s event in the world of its kind. Over €225 million has been raised for charities, not to mention the hearts, souls and spirits raised every single step of the way. This special year, lets recognise and celebrate their magic.
We are very grateful to all the ladies who take part in the Mini Marathon for the I.H.S. every year, your support for the work of the Society is really appreciated. An event like this is so important, not only to raise funds but to raise awareness of haemophilia and other bleeding disorders.
So, if you have a bleeding disorder or if you are the mother, sister, daughter, niece, cousin or friend of an adult or child living with a bleeding disorder, now is your chance to show your support by taking part in this year’s VHI Women’s Mini Marathon to raise funds for the I.H.S.
For more info on VHI Women’s Mini Marathon or to register, please visit vhiwomensminimarathon.ie.
If you would like to raise funds in aid of the I.H.S. or you would like more info about fundraising, please contact Nina in the office on 01 6579900 or email nina@haemophilia.ie.