
Update regarding Covid-19 vaccination in people with bleeding disorders

We have received an update from the National Coagulation Centre (NCC) regarding Covid-19 vaccination in people with bleeding disorders, you can read it below: 

 Any person with a bleeding disorder who is offered a vaccine appointment by their GP or via the HSE portal should take it as this is likely to be the fastest route to access vaccination. Advice for patients is on the NCC website in relation to treatment prior to vaccination for certain people with more severe bleeding disorders. Many people with milder bleeding disorders or who are on Hemlibra won’t need treatment before – just check the list here to see which applies to you.

 People who need prior treatment should contact their comprehensive care or treatment centre to arrange this. In some cases, where people live a long distance from a treatment centre, it may be possible to arrange treatment at a local hospital. Alerting your treatment centre is the vital first step!

 For people who have had Hepatitis C or HIV infection, these conditions will result in categorisation as group 5 (ages 65-69) or group 7 (ages 16-64), according to the HSE roll-out plan.

 A list of people with these conditions has been given to the team in SJH who are co-ordinating the vaccination of Groups 4, 5 and 7 for people attending certain hospital departments.

 At the moment, they are finishing people in Group 4.

 Group 5 will be next and will be called during the month of May and group 7 after that.

 If you are in groups 5 or 7, you will be contacted to ensure that you haven’t already had a vaccine, e.g. from your GP or because you work in a healthcare setting.

 If you have not already had a vaccine, you will be invited to attend a vaccination centre in Richmond Barracks in Dublin which will be operational 7 days a week from Monday 26th April 2021. If you are scheduled on a weekend day and need to get treatment before, the NCC team will arrange to have your treatment given in the NCC but please tell us as soon as you get a date for your vaccine so that we can make arrangements.

 If you are a patient registered in the Cork or Galway centres, the teams there are reviewing the lists of people attending and you may be contacted by them to arrange a local vaccination appointment if you need it.

For all other people with bleeding disorders, you will be called by age group in due course – either to have vaccination with your GP or at a central vaccination centre, via the HSE portal. Just hang in there, your turn is coming!