While regular clinics and non-urgent day patient treatments are suspended at the moment during this COVID-19 emergency, people with bleeding disorders who have active medical issues are being reviewed by telephone at present, to reduce the need to attend the NCC in person.
With the support of St James’s Hospital and the HSE, the NCC team is now also able to offer video consultation to those people who wish to avail of this, and who have internet access via a smartphone.
From this week, if you are contacted by the Administration team at the NCC to arrange a consultation, you will be offered your choice of telephone clinic or video consultation and you can choose which suits your needs best. If you are interested in video consultation, please have a look at our patient information leaflet (below).
In some cases, it is still necessary to arrange a review in person at the NCC and if so, we will schedule a time for you to attend. It is important to know that we are here and ready to assess and give treatments in person if this is needed.
Read the Patient Information Leaflet here.