Patient portal

National Coagulation Centre (NCC) at St. James’s Hospital

The National Coagulation Centre (NCC) offers a service to patients with a wide range of bleeding and clotting disorders on an inpatient and outpatient basis, including investigation, diagnosis, long-term management and family screening.

The NCC provides comprehensive care with a multidisciplinary approach involving nursing, physiotherapy, social work, clinical psychology and dentistry. In addition, it runs specialist combined clinics in orthopaedic surgery and infectious diseases.

Contact Details

For Non Clinical Queries
For queries in relation to non-clinical requests: appointments, documentation requests:
Monday to Friday 08:30-17:00
Please call (01) 416 2141 / (01) 416 2142

Postal address:
National Coagulation Centre,
St James’s Hospital,
James Street
Dublin 8
D08 A978

Non Urgent Clinical Queries
For non-urgent, clinical queries in relation to upcoming procedures, treatment queries:
Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00  

Please call the nurse on (01) 410 3130 (please leave a message with your name, hospital number, contact details and information in relation to your query and a nurse will return your call), alternatively, please send an email to and your email will be responded to in a timely way.

Emergency Contact Details for Patients with a Bleeding Disorder
Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00

For Emergency/ urgent calls in relation to an active bleed or possible bleed or an urgent unplanned procedure please call (01) 410 3000 and ask for bleep 721

Out of hours 17:00hrs-08:00hrs Monday-Friday, at the weekend and bank holidays
Please call St James’s Hospital switchboard on (01) 410 3000 and ask for the Haematology SHO “on call”