
Pharmacokinetic Studies

It has been an exciting year for research in the National Coagulation Centre (NHC). As part of the aim to work towards personalised medicine they have invited adults with mild, moderate or severe Haemophilia A to attend for Pharmacokinetic (PK) studies. This involves a series of blood tests that allows them to calculate how the body manages Factor VIII after an infusion of Advate or DDAVP. The hope is ultimately to tailor and personalise Factor VIII treatment for every person according to their individual PK.

In April 2014, the NCC commenced recruitment on the PERSONAL clinical trial. This trial is aimed at adults with severe Haemophilia A on regular prophylaxis. The main focus of this trial is personalisation and individualisation of prophylaxis using a individual\’s PK. This offers the opportunity to tailor prophylaxis to what your body requires in order to ensure your Factor VIII levels are always greater than 1.5%.

For people on the trial they will participate for 18 months and be seen every 3 months. As they have a major interest in preventing joint damage they also undertake a comprehensive joint assessment with MRIs and Xrays of elbows, ankles and knees for all trial participants. These MRIs and XRays will be performed at study entry (month 0), month 6 and at study end (month 18). This trial offers not only the chance to have a tailor-made individualised prophylaxis plan but also to have joints monitored closely and thoroughly throughout the trial.

In collaboration with the patients and the Cork Comprehensive Coagulation Centre, they have now had 20 people complete a PK study and the results are undergoing analysis. For anyone who may be interested in participating, please contact Dr. Michelle Lavin, Clinical Research Fellow, in the NCC at 01 4162141 or pkstudy@stjames.ie.

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