HTCs in Ireland

Treatment Centres

Comprehensive care for people living with bleeding disorders is a multidisciplinary approach. This means that patients are taken care of by different medical professionals who address different aspects of their care to enhance the management and outcome of the treatment.

There are three Comprehensive Care Centres in Ireland. All three centres are certified as European Haemophilia Comprehensive Care Centres (EHCCC) as follows:

• The National Coagulation Centre (NCC) in St. James’s Hospital in Dublin.
• The Coagulation Centre in Cork University Hospital (CUH).
• Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) at Crumlin

These centres offer comprehensive care to adults with bleeding disorders, from investigation and diagnosis to long-term management of mild, moderate and severe bleeding disorders. The centre provides comprehensive care with a multidisciplinary approach including:

• Nursing
• Physiotherapy and orthopaedic care
• Surgery
• Dental care
• Paediatric care
• Hepatology and infectious diseases
• Obstetrics and gynaecology
• Genetics
• Social work
• Psychosocial support

The Irish Haemophilia Society works closely with the teams at all three comprehensive care centres. We have team meetings on a regular basis, which allows for collaboration and to work through any issues that arise from time to time.

There is also a haemophilia treatment centre in University Hospital Galway.


Please ensure that you carry with you at all times your ‘Severe Bleeding Disorders Alert Card’.