When you are travelling abroad Travel Insurance is vital. Medical insurance should be checked well in advance of departure as it can be difficult to obtain for a person with haemophilia or related bleeding disorder. A company that does provide insurance cover for pre-existing medical conditions including haemophilia is a company called Blue Insurance. They can be contacted on telephone number 0818 444 449 or at www.blueinsurance.ie . However, please note that full disclosure of your medical condition is required, and there may be some loading on the policy.
If you are a person with haemophilia with Hepatitis C and or HIV, infected by blood or blood products supplied by the state Travel Insurance is now available as part of the Hepatitis C Insurance Scheme. Individuals who take out insurance under this scheme will only pay the standard premium irrespective of existing health conditions. For further information on this please see www.hepcinsurance.ie .
Don\’t forget if you are travelling within the European Union, it is advisable to avail of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This has replaced the old EI11 form and entitles you to free health care in any EU country. Full details and an application form can be downloaded from the website www.ehic.ie