Our Winter Magazine is out now and comes packed with lots of interesting articles from members and staff, news and updates, reports and more.
2021 has been another trying year but when compared to 2020, there is much more cause for optimism and we hope you, like the I.H.S. team, are looking forward to Christmas.
Looking to next year, you can check out the provisional programme for our AGM & Conference 2022, which will take place in the Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan in March.
In his CEO Report, Brian looks back at our October Conference and provides updates on Gene Therapy and revamping of our website, while elsewhere he recalls when Dublin hosted the WFH World Congress in 1996.
There is news of educational grants awards for 2021, a report from the October Conference, our first in person event since the AGM in March 2020 on and Feargal Mc Groarty provides an update on the National Haemophilia Lighthouse Project and Patient Portal.
There are plenty more useful updates and news, and on the back cover, you’ll find hospital opening hours for the Christmas period.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to our publications this year – be that writing articles, sending in ideas, photos or feedback – and of course, thank you all for reading the magazines, without you, there would be
You should have all received your copy of the magazine in the post but you can read it via the viewer below / download the PDF. We hope you enjoy reading it.
Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.