The latest issue comes packed with loads of interesting articles from members and staff, news and updates, reports from events and more.
In his CEO Report, Brian provides an update on Twinning, Gene Therapy and reports on the WFH Virtual Congress and outlines plans for re-opening the office. Speaking of virtual events, Nina reports from the EHC Women & Bleeding Disorders Virtual Congress 2020.
There are great articles as we catch up with Colm Walsh to find out his new blog, Brian provides an overview of Haemophilia Care in Europe – part one series from the 1970s to the present day – and there is a brilliant piece on the different perspectives of haemophilia; being a parent and the person growing up with a bleeding disorder from Jennie and Evan McBride. There is also a host of updates and news about events, educational grants and more.
Yet another remotely produced and digital only magazine (hopefully the next one will be in print) and we hope you enjoy reading it. You can read it via the viewer below or download the PDF here.