We are pleased to announce details of our Father & Son(s) Overnight, which will take place over the weekend of Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd of July 2018 in Lilliput Adventure Centre in Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
This event is open to:
Fathers who have sons with haemophilia (please note that male siblings who do not have haemophilia may also attend this event).
Fathers with haemophilia with sons who do not have haemophilia.
Please note children must be aged between seven to seventeen.
The cost of the weekend will be subsidised by the Society at €50 per adult and €25 per child. This will include all activities, accommodation on Saturday evening, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast of Sunday.
In relation to accommodation, please note that Lilliput Adventure Centre operate a shared sleeping facility in a dormitory type setting. All bed linen and duvets are provided.
More information in relation to what you will need to bring (for example: an old pair of runners, clothes etc.) will be provided in your confirmation letter, which will be sent out to you two weeks prior to this event.
Bookings have now closed for this event until next year.