The team at the National Coagulation Centre is committed to improving the quality of care for people with bleeding disorders. A questionnaire, designed with input from patient representatives from the Irish Haemophilia Society, has been sent to all who attend the National Coagulation Centre and are on home treatment, to gain insight into peoples’ opinions and experience of the home-scanning App.
The home-scanning App (MPro 5 HX App) was developed to allow people with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders, who are on home treatment with clotting factor replacement or non-factor products, to electronically record the treatments they administer at home.
The NCC team want to understand what you like and do not like about the App, what you know about it and what would make it easier for you to use, whether you currently use it, have used it in the past or have never used it.
We, and the NCC, would greatly appreciate if you could take the time to complete the questionnaire you received, and return it in the enclosed self-addressed envelope (no stamp required) to the National Coagulation Centre, St James’s Hospital, Dublin 8, before December 20. The questionnaires are fully anonymous.
If you have any questions regarding the questionnaire, please don’t hesitate to contact either Niamh Larkin (email: or phone 087-9010301) or Evelyn Singleton (email: or phone 01-4103518).