
ANNOUNCEMENT: A Trip to Dublin Zoo!

Dublin Zoo is celebrating a milestone year as it marks its 190th anniversary. Dublin Zoo is a cherished Irish institution and a trip to the Zoo is a childhood memory many generations will remember fondly.

The I.H.S. are delighted to announce that we will be offering some free of charge passes/vouchers to family members of the I.H.S. to visit Dublin Zoo over the coming months. If you would like to obtain a free pass/voucher, all you have to do is simply click on our events website, complete your details and we will email you a pass/voucher code to allow you obtain your free pass.

For further details or to request your free pass/voucher, click on the following link:


Please note the following:

  • The closing date/time for requests for passes/vouchers is Wednesday 4th August at 12noon.
  • Once you complete your details you will receive your voucher by Tuesday 17th August.
  • You must then arrange the booking yourself online by going to dublinzoo.ie/book-now
  • Your voucher code will be valid for one year.
  • You must provide an email address to allow us to send you the voucher.
  • You must provide the ages of your children at the time of booking.