This IHS would like to welcome it\’s newest executive board member; Jim O\’Leary, who was recently co-opted onto the board. Following the election of the new board at the AGM in March 2016 the officers were elected for the coming year as follows: Traci Marshall-Dowling was re-elected as Chairperson, John Stack was elected Vice Chairperson, Gerard O\’Reilly was re-elected Treasurer and Barbara Wynne was re-elected Secretary. We want to wish the new board all the best for the new term.
The Governing Body of the Irish Haemophilia Society consists of nine volunteers who are members of the Society. The Governing Body is elected on an annual basis by the members at the Annual General Meeting and Conference. The board meet on a monthly basis in the Society headquarters, with the Chief Executive and Administrator to set the policy and oversee the operation of the Society.