2012 Congress

The XXX WFH World Congress took place in Paris, France  in July 2012. Over 5,400 delegates registered for the Congress, a record number for the event. The WFH Congress is the single largest event in the WFH calendar and is very important to the global haemophilia community. Every second year doctors, scientists, healthcare workers, people with haemophilia and haemophilia organisations gather to learn about the latest developments in haemophilia treatment, to discuss, to debate and to contribute to a strong global organisation and community.

The Society had a total of  eight posters displayed at the conference. These posters were as follows:

* Severe Bleeding Disorders Alert Cards. Authors: Brian O\’Mahony, Debbie Greene.
* Treatment Outcome in Young Adults Survey of 8 Countries – Preliminary Results. Authors: D. Noone, B. O\’Mahony, L. Prihodova.
* Benefits of Individual Communications Strategy from a Nationa Haemophilia Society. Authors: Anne Duffy, Nina Storey.
* A Recruitment Plan for Volunteers. Authors: Nuala Mc Auley, Fiona Brennan, Brian O\’Mahony.
* Economic Impact of an Efficient Inclusive National Tender System for Factor Concentrates. Author: Brian O\’Mahony.
* A Strategy for Women with Bleeding Disorders: The Irish Experience. Author: Debbie Greene.
* Participation of Children in National Haemophilia Conferences. Authors: Fiona Brennan, Nuala Mc Auley, Debbie Greene.
* Patient Organisation Involvement in the Management of Hepatitis C. Authors: Brian O\’Mahony, Anne Duffy, Declan Noone.


Click here to view a copy of the IHS supplement from the 2012 WFH World Congress